Startup Marketing Made Perfect With Ranky

eCommerce Marketing: How to Drive Sales Through Online Platforms

E-commerce has become a major disruptor in the retail industry, with an increasing number of consumers turning to online platforms to make their purchases. After all, with the sheer convenience and accessibility, why shop in person? The simplicity of online shopping has led to a significant boom in eCommerce, and it’s estimated that 2.14 billion people worldwide now use eCommerce to make purchases - a whooping number, right?

Topics: Digital Marketing Sales eCommerce

Remarketing 101: Complete Guide to Boosting Your Brand Awareness & ROI

Did you know that most sites experience a first-time visit conversion rate of around 2%? 

Not much, right? 

Clearly, not every website visitor will make a purchase or perform the action you desire of them immediately.

Some people will engage with your content on social media but might not visit your website or make any further contact. Others may enter your site but only view what you have to offer. Some will click on a particular product without taking any further action. And then there are those who will go all the way to pricing but will not complete the purchase. 

Regardless of where their journey ended, a website visit or social media engagement is a sign of interest. It shows that what you're offering has caught their attention. 

But, just because these visitors didn't turn into customers the first time around, all hope is not lost.

If you know how to take advantage of their interest, you can entice them to visit again and convert them into loyal, paying customers. 

Want to know how?

Topics: PPC Digital Marketing Brand Awareness

How to Upgrade Your Marketing Game With Personalized Content

The marketing game has changed drastically since its inception those many years ago. With the focus shifting from the brand to the consumer, marketers can't simply create a campaign and call it a day.  

Our technological age unlocked the "pandora's box," so to say, of information, which has made consumers wiser, more demanding, and more reactive. One little slip-up and consumers will move on to a competitor with the click of a button. 

What's more, with new trends, innovative technological advancements, and fierce competition, it seems more challenging than ever to keep up and execute a successful campaign, right? 

Wrong! With the correct methods, you'll be able to knock your marketing efforts out of the park. Want to know how?


Remember that while we may have several AI tools at our disposal, the success of a campaign is still heavily dependent on human interactions.

So, how can we use personalization to build better human relationships and succeed in our campaigns?

Let's find out.

Topics: content marketing Digital Marketing Personalization Target Audience