Startup Marketing Made Perfect With Ranky

Roberta Rottigni

Roberta (AKA Robi) is Ranky's content marketing and social media expert. Italian-born, Israeli-adopted she has experience as a content writer in English and Italian, social media management, and public relations.

Recent Posts by Roberta Rottigni:

What Role Does Content Play in Your Inbound Marketing Strategy?

Do you ever wish you could sit back, relax, and have customers flocking to your business?

Stop dreaming: as we're about to help you turn this wish into reality.

As our markets continue to evolve and more and more businesses that offer similar products and services continue to flood the market, ensuring your delivering quality content and driving engagement to your target audience is vital to remain in the competition.

With that in mind, if your business still relies on traditional marketing strategies -which often overlook customer needs- your business will fail to make an impact and, eventually, fall behind.

But it doesn't have to be this way, and that's where inbound marketing methodology comes into play.

So, what exactly is inbound methodology? And how can it transform the way you do business? 

We've put together this informative guide to answer these questions. Let's dive in.

Topics: Startup Content Marketing Inbound Marketing Strategy

75 Keywords To Exclude From Adwords Display Campaigns Placements

Ever wondered how to optimize your display campaigns in a really easy and fast way? There are two main options when setting up a display campaign:

Topics: Growth Hacking Guides

Take This Quiz and Find Out What Digital Marketing Services Should You Focus on During Times of Crisis

Times of crisis such as this tend to boost digital media consumption across the board as people spend more time at home and communicate in person less. For businesses, this means that prospects and customers will be spending a lot of time online.

This is why right now is the worst time for cutting down on marketing operations. On the contrary, businesses should focus on perfecting their digital marketing strategy which, in many cases, will be the deciding factor in whether they make it through the tough times ahead. 

Topics: Startups B2B Website Lead Generation CRO Business Owners Small Business